We understand that care can be complicated and that finding the right, unique solution can involve a lot of research. At Hamilton George we offer a completely bespoke service for each of of our clients and their families. For a full understanding of how we can support you, just give us a call or complete the online enquiry form and one of the team will get in touch. But for a quick overview, here are some of our most fequently asked questions...

Carer Recruitment & Training

1. Where do we recruit our carers from? 

The majority of our care team are British or hold British passports, and a significant number of them are introduced to us through referrals. We also recruit through a variety of channels such as online advertising.  Each applicant is fully vetted and completes a three stage interview process and background check. Less than 1 in 100 applicants join our highly esteemed team.

2. How much experience do our carers have? 

We only hire the very best carers - those with experience in care and a passion for what they do. The duration and variety of experience will vary depending on the carer you choose and the requirements in the care plan. Some carers may have been with us many years, whilst others may be newer to the team. You will have the opportunity to discover more when you receive your suggested carer’s carer profiles and interviews are arranged.

3. How do we vet our carers? 

Our carers have two interviews with our HR team, firstly to pass our initial basic criteria, and secondly to have an in-depth clinical assessment with a Director. All our carers go through an enhanced DBS check and two professional references are taken. A member of the Hamilton George team will always accompany a new carer to their first placement in order to ensure they have support. 

4. What type of training, supervision and appraisals do our carers receive?

Our in-house Registered Nurse provides all our carers with ongoing training and support.  This can take the form of face to face visits, calls or online chats. All our carers go through our unique online Hamilton George Carer School, which includes CQC Clinical modules, as well as Specialist and Household topics. These include; 

  • Clinical (CQC) - Medication Management, Moving & Handling
  • Household - Etiquette 101, Cooking and meal preparation
  • Specialist - Oral health, challenging behaviour

We continue to support our carers’ professional development with placement supervisions and appraisals.

Placements Logistics

5. Are the 12 hours flexibly worked by the carer - how does that work? 

These are worked according to need.  As a guide, our carers' general working hours are from 8am until around 8pm, with two hours off during that time.  But there is flexibility, and the two hour break can easily become four 30 minute breaks or two one hour breaks, if those formats work better with the client’s routine.  We will tailor the care plan and timings to the client’s day and ensure the carer is getting enough breaks. 

6. What cover is provided when the carer is sick, or during their daily breaks?

The carer’s contract is with Hamilton George Care. This means we manage all their HR and payroll, including sick days and holidays, and is all included in your monthly fee. If constant supervision and support is required then this will be built into the care plan and double up care will be agreed, or a local carer will be chosen to manage breaks and/or any significant night cover. Hamilton George does not provide hourly support, but we are able to partner with a local agency to provide this.

7. What are the carer’s responsibilities during night wakings? 

In general our live-in carers are expected to cope with one or two night wakings, for a disturbance of up to 30 minutes each time for short periods of time. Carers will require enough rest in order to provide safe and sustainable care and this is also considered. If a client’s needs change, we will need to review the care plan and discuss potential double-up care, or extra help.  Every placement is unique and is treated as such.

8. How will the rota work and what input can the family have?

This entirely depends on the client and family wishes. Our carers have varying work preferences and placements will be suggested accordingly. Many of our overseas carers prefer to work steadily for a few months, before returning home for a break.   Many UK based carers prefer to work for anywhere between one week and three months before taking a break. Our rotas can and do accommodate every preference.  

9. What happens when the carer arrives at a placement? 

Either a Director or Clinical Care Manager, depending on which is appropriate, will accompany the carer to a new placement, to ensure all is smooth on Day One.  They will answer any questions that arise on the day and check that the carer is up to date with the ‘Birdie’ medical app. Subsequent carer handovers will be organised in advance and provide the carers with plenty of time to familiarise themselves with the details of the placement. Family members are welcome to attend if they wish but there is no requirement to be present, particularly once a rota is well-established. 

Ongoing Support

10. Can we provide extra help and advice relating to specific behaviours or conditions?

Every placement is unique and is treated as such. Our Registered Nurse will take account of all clinical and lifestyle requirements in the care plan. If additional advice is required then the team will refer to a relevant practitioner on the Hamilton George Medical Advisory Board, a team comprising some of the UK's most experienced and highly regarded medical practitioners. They are on hand to offer best practice advice and guidance to ensure that we continue to provide the highest quality of care. 

11. How do Birdie notes work? 

Birdie is a cutting edge care management system. It allows the office to upload a care plan and tasks for the carer to review and follow on a daily basis. The carer then completes notes on their daily activities including observations about the client. These notes are confidential and are designed to allow our clinical team to track the client’s condition and support the carer. Only those with permission are able to view this information.

12. What about discretion and privacy if a carer goes on to work for a family friend?

Communication, professionalism and emotional intelligence are the foundations of a Hamilton George carer. We have confidentiality clauses in our contracts and all our carers are aware that the privacy of our clients and their families is paramount. 

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Enquire about finding live-in care

If you or a loved one require care we will guide a conversation to assess what type of companionship, care and medical support is required before producing the tailored care strategy and delivery plan.

We understand that every situation is unique and that it is often difficult to understand the intricacies of care and the options available. We are happy to answer any questions you have and will do our best to help, so please do get in touch.

Call us on 0330 4702866