At Hamilton George we have a thorough hiring and matching process, only offering you interviews with those we feel would be suitable for you and your personal needs. These are arranged over the telephone, on a video call, or face to face if you wish.

An interview is an opportunity for you to find out more, so have their Profile to hand and use the time as you wish. Questions such as ‘what food do you like to cook?’, ‘what training do you have?’ and ‘how do you manage medication?’ are great for fact checking. However, the following might also help to open the conversation.

1. Why did you start working in care?

Knowing what led them to pursue a career in care will help you understand who they are and what their background is. Is it a vocation for them, or a job that works well around their own life and family commitments?

2. What do you most enjoy about your job?

Asking this question could lead to hearing their stories about the tragedies and triumphs of those they have cared for, how they have dealt with a variety of situations and built relationships.

3. How do you like to spend your free time when on a placement?

Your carer will have experience and be comfortable working and living in peoples’ homes. By asking this you can get a feel for how they manage their own personal space and time and whether this fits in with the needs of your loved one.

4. What do you think is the most important part of your role as a carer?

This is a good question to ask to get a sense of where the carer places their emphasis during their placement. You can also take this opportunity to go into more detail about the emotional and physical requirements of the care recipient.

5. How do you maintain a client’s dignity when carrying out personal duties?

A significant aspect of hiring a live-in carer is that they help provide independence to the individual receiving care. Knowing how a carer will handle duties that are very personal such as assisting with bowel movements and showering, in a manner that is respectful and maintains dignity is important, even if this level of care isn’t required at this time.

6. How can we make it easier for you to help us?

Asking this will communicate to the carer that you understand the challenges of their role and want to play a part in making the relationship as smooth as possible. What’s more, the carer may have some suggestions or requests which may help to enhance the care plan.

7. Do you have any specific tips that I could use and put into practice to help my loved one?

This could be an opportunity to learn a skill or technique that could benefit you. For example, if you are seeking care for a relative with dementia and are struggling with communication, it’s possible that the carer will be able to help the family as a whole by sharing what they have learned.

8. How would you deal with an emergency or a difficult situation?

Create personal scenarios to assess how the prospective carer would act in specific situations such as: “What would you do if my grandfather falls and can’t stand up on his own?” or “How would you handle it if my mother doesn't want to get dressed or eat her breakfast - but she has an appointment that morning?”. It is important to ask questions like this to establish the process that the carer would follow and make sure that you are comfortable with it.

9. Have you any questions you wish to ask me?

Give the candidate the opportunity to quiz you on the role and the chance to get to know you as a client. Doing so will set the candidate at ease and allows future misunderstandings to be avoided.

We understand that you are inviting a stranger into your home and that having the right chemistry is vital. At Hamilton George Care, we take huge pride in our matching process and pay attention to the little details in order to find you the best carer to suit the needs of you and your family. However, the final decision is up to you and choosing the right carer for your loved one is a very personal choice.

We would be very happy to speak with you about your care needs. Whether you are looking for care now or simply planning for the future, we can guide you through the process and help you make the right choice for you and your loved ones. Call us on 0330 470 2866, email or apply via the website.

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Enquire about finding live-in care

If you or a loved one require care we will guide a conversation to assess what type of companionship, care and medical support is required before producing the tailored care strategy and delivery plan.

We understand that every situation is unique and that it is often difficult to understand the intricacies of care and the options available. We are happy to answer any questions you have and will do our best to help, so please do get in touch.

Call us on 0330 4702866