Hani has been with Hamilton George for six months. We wanted to know more about how she came to be a carer and what she loves most about her work.

Tell me a bit about yourself and your background

I’m originally from the Wirral (the best place in the world!) I love it there as you’re always next to the water and everyone is very uplifting and friendly.

I started my career working with people with autism, and loved the care aspect of my work. I then went to Chester University where I studied learning disability nursing, which took me into secure units and hospital settings as well as looking after dementia patients. But I missed the care side of nursing and realised that care was my calling.

At the time I had a friend who was employed as a live-in carer and I was initially drawn to the scheduling of the work, which offered me the chance to travel in my downtime. However I soon realised that it was actually the closeness and continuity offered in live-in roles that gave me the biggest satisfaction. I've always been the type of person to throw myself into a situation and I love the security and closeness that comes with living ‘in’ on a long term placement.

Why did you want to be a carer?

I have a much younger brother and sister who I loved looking after right from the start. I would say that I'm naturally a very caring person so it just felt like the right path. I’m very optimistic and enjoy really getting to know my clients and seeing the difference my companionship and support can make.

What do you think makes a good carer?

It’s important to be open and understanding to people's needs. Also just remembering that it's their life, choices and values, you can’t put your views on the person.

I’d say that you also need to show understanding and have patience. I always maintain a stand off approach until necessary, ensuring that my clients have as much independence as possible but being close to hand as soon as they need me.

What are the highs and lows of care?

It’s very rewarding watching someone enjoying their life as much as they can. Especially if you have had a hand in their welfare or recovery. On the flip side it can be a little lonely, but I keep myself busy. I’m very sociable and have made friends near my placement - even better is that this has helped my client make new friends too and we’re both enjoying being more social together. Meditation in particular keeps me balanced. I also love doing new courses including the one I’m doing now on healing.

How do you connect with your clients?

I have a brilliant relationship with my current client and always show interest and enthusiasm towards her interests. For example she loves classical music and it wasn't something I knew anything about but now have an appreciation for. She used to be a lawyer and I find her knowledge and enthusiasm so impressive - and I know that she enjoys sharing her experiences and insights with me.

It’s all about the little things, such as getting advice on recipes, involving the client in any decision making and giving back independence where possible. Family is usually very important to my clients and I always make it an occasion when I know someone is coming over - usually by cooking something special.

What’s been a career/placement highlight so far?

It’s so hard to pick one - there are quite a lot! But I always think back to one of the first patients I worked with who had autism. Our incredible team worked together to identify his triggers and help him come off his medication. When I first met him he wasn't able to make a cup of tea, so it was incredibly special when later he made ME a cup! It's the little things. It might seem like a lot of work for little reward but it means so much.

Why did you choose live-in care over hourly?

Initially it was having the time off - to travel - and it gave me more control over my life. But actually I’ve realised that having one person to give my full attention too and give them the best care - that's really the hook for me.

What advice would you give to think about someone considering working in care?

Read up - all about knowledge. You’ll get all the information you need in your training but knowledge is power! If you want to go above and beyond, and provide the best possible service then it’s up to you to do your research and be as informed and confident as you can be.

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Enquire about finding care

If you or a loved one require care we will guide a conversation to assess what type of companionship, care and medical support is required before producing the tailored care strategy and delivery plan.

We understand that every situation is unique and that it is often difficult to understand the intricacies of care and the options available. We are happy to answer any questions you have and will do our best to help, so please do get in touch.

Call us on 0330 4702866